THE STORY BEHIND CLIMATE JUSTICE; Not to take it for granted!.
Climate Justice is the intersection of Social Justice and Climate change that holds climate irresponsible systems to be accountable and return what has been taken and start working on what is crucial to the current and future generations.
Climate justice it’s about shifting people’s thinking and pushing them not to rely on their government(s) efforts in curbing the effects of climate change as the catastrophe of the daily activities commuted in their communities. It’s about helping them to stand on their own feet to change the narratives in the societies they live in and being aware of what will happen if they won’t do so.
On the contrary Climate Justice, it’s about reminding the governments that we cannot fight this struggle on our own and it’s a perfect time to show them the current view and ask them what can they do about it? Yes, it’s all about reminding them about their duties.
Climate Justice, it’s about working with indigenous people and inducing the spirit of protection and resisting the increase of carbon footprint by making them understand that the agriculture sector could be one of them. However we can’t talk about Climate Justice if we’re not forthright enough, it is obvious some countries in the world are going to be inhabitable anymore resulting in climate migration.
Climate Justice is a very gender-sensitive action; it’s about putting women on the front line creating understanding and letting them lead the struggle. It’s about Empowering and fabricating aggressive young girls to stand bold and join the green movements and become aware of where we are now, where are we going and where we want to go.
Climate Justice, it’s all about inspiring people and funding bodies to be conscious with their money to fund the 100% renewable projects in their nations and the world at large.
The struggle of Climate Justice should be real and not a phenomenon, it’s about fighting to bring up a balance of power in social, racial, economic and environmental actions with a strong link to the future generation.
Climate Justice, it’s about the collaboration of scientists from different fields and not a competition. Their collaboration can come up with fruitful strategies to combat global warming at the global level.
In Climate Justice the invitation of climate activists is not negotiable because they will unveil the magnitude of the Climate Change story; It doesn’t mean that they are threatening the nations but it’s about making them feel uncomfortable until they fully support the mission.
I also understand that Climate Justice gives room for the protection of resources for the future of the young generation. It’s about worrying by bringing tangible solutions in the communities, protecting the resources which currently incur enormous threats in their availability in the future.
With confidence in Climate Justice, it’s all about igniting the fire to the youngsters and giving them strength to cry for their own future, putting the future of a Boy and Girl-child in the headlines and having regular discussions on the dinner table about it. It’s never a struggle of the government and private sectors only but it’s a non-stopping mission of the individuals themselves in the societies who see the misconduct and worry about tomorrow.
Let's do this, it's now or never; The future we’ll have been waiting for is already here.