Positioning is an Inextricable Thread in the Fabric of Business Life; Featuring Hadjia Jabir
If you’ve noticed our business competition is no longer local but its regional wise and globe at large. Many firms that have adopted this particular phenomenon and turn it to reality have gained enough muscle since from the scratch of their human resources and their entire operations are subjected that our competition is “global” literally thinking and doing out of the box.
While building a trusted brand, the company has to be able to use or adapt to new technologies this creates an avenue for innovation, and particularly innovation new taste of alternatives and for it comes with a wide range of new markets, the companies should be able to innovate and create the diversity of new products that didn’t exist before. Since we do not think globally, we barely do the “Risk Assessment”, we often end up taking wrong risks and we let our investments hang on a thin thread.
How about we learn on how to Revive our Business Creative Confidence? Yes, you read it well. Business Managers should understand that everyone on this earth as born super creative, the studies presume that because of socialization and social education a lot of us start to stifle those impulses. I agree, because for the cause of all these years very few got enough millage to practice creativity and innovation. The best way could be, exposing your employees and keep pushing them to learn new things to abide with the business operations.
On the other hand, if the company is in a position to comply with common buyer requirements, by demonstrating a profound reliability and good track record in doing business. In this regard the workers must be trained to work more efficiently to maintain the standard levels, this would really make the company’s image stand out. It’s not a secret anymore that most respected brands do take a step to comply with ISO & OHSAS and other certifications, this helps in striking the international tenders.
However, the company should also consider on how to position its quality control unit, clearly showing the standards and quality offered aligned with their prices as well. This helps when dealers visit your company get to know the quality standard you’re offering. Also being able to use realistic margins is a plus it proves to the buyer that you have no financial problems or risks associated the raw material suppliers. In addition, buyers attach considerable importance to a supplier’s image and to the beneficial or adverse effect that this may have on their own image. When all these issues have been sorted, both parties can move on quickly to the important part of business may be sharing the margins.
The issue of having organized business etiquette is not negotiable, it’s obvious that no business has a specific manual but having business standards is a plus to its sustainability. Showing very a thin line between services and professionalism is fundamental, because buyers do compare a lot. In this sense we have to master the art of “Business Positioning” developing elegant products and brand images in customer’s mind is a must. Allow me to put it in this way; giving our customers reasons to become our loyal buyers in the very first place.
Building a brand is among the most painful process I know, because I’m aware that it’s a journey and it’s a very busy journey that can take 10–20 solid years. Few navigate well and live a legacy channeled to the community and the minority seek for a shoulder to cry on.
Just to add cherry on top I know that starting and growing your own business is one thing but a paramount stuff most of us are trivial about is a proper business leadership; It’s all about managing skills and talents of your employees to gauge enough return.
I remember I was at 8:00 am, Friday December 2019, in a morning meeting at work; my previous boss a very intelligent Ugandan, Mr. Kenneth Mugabe had said “We’re all in sales and marketing whether you are in HR Department, Stores and whatever you are here to support the sales team at the end of the day”. Well I learnt something about this one, adversity in business line comes when all the tough stuff is left to the sales and marketing team thinking that it’s not their job.
In this particular article I’m going to be very precise, as I said you are your own competition it’s about what you decide to do with your business and not what your competitors decide what to do with you. I have hustled and met this smart, assertive and audacious smart lady at the end of the day Hadija Jabir, who’s the founder and Managing Director of EAT FRESH. In this elevator pitch, I tapped some key issues to shift your thinking.
What is Eat Fresh, how many employees does it have?
EATFRESH is a horticultural company which has specialized in growing, processing and exporting vegetables and fruits to UK and the EU countries (Netherlands, Ireland and Germany). The company has a total of 31 permanent employees and in weekly basis we get around 100 casual workers when we are in full operations said Hadija Jabir.
How many products does EATFRESH merchandise, do you produce all of them?
Snow peas, sugar snap, Avocados and French beans. GBRI grow 40% of its produce and source the remaining 60% from contracted small holder farmers. GBRI train contracted small holder farmers on good agricultural practice, give them extension services and buys their produce said Hadija Jabir.
How many certifications does it hold that makes it a qualifier to the international market, how many countries has it feed already?
GBRI exports to EU countries (UK, Netherlands, Ireland and Germany), there are various certifications based on the market and product you are exporting. Example in our case with EU market companies like ours which does export of fruits and vegetables are required to have at least GAP (Good Agriculture Practices) certification and some other social compliance certificates like GRASP said Hadija Jabir.
Pulling the trigger and shutting the target; We need to position ourselves, our competitors have nothing to do with our business excellence or failure. This starts with the people themselves how they move, calculate and navigate.