A Tree Writes to Lucy!

Mbazi Marisa
3 min readMar 8, 2023


Dear Lucy,

I hope this letter finds you well on both ends.

First and foremost, thank you. Thank you for taking care of me and my friends. Your efforts count. Thank you for planting me, I remember when you took care of me when I was a little seed, to a seedling and I am now a TREE.

I know you did it with your little knowledge, trust me I am always around here and I know genuine souls. Proper schooled folks aren’t taking giving their all, BUT you did it.

But Lucy, you know about Climate Change. Lucy, it is killing me and my days on the soil are numbered. I needed you to bring more of us, plant us, and GROW us.

Yes, I insist GROW us. Lucy, I have seen you participating in a number of tree-planting movements, but trust me it’s dysfunctional. Planting trees is easy but taking care of them it’s an ultra marathon. You have that spirit; I know you can survive.

Lucy, I needed my friends. The ecosystem is fundamental for my survival I won’t make it alone I will soon go, and you won’t see me anymore. Please, plant more and GROW a lot.I need the forest back.

You remember late Prof. Wangari Maathai? — I want you to be intentional and have her spirit. Spirit to plant trees and grow them with your own hands. I want you to be bold, it costs nothing staying true to your course whilst enjoying your journey. Don’t be like others-who don’t take of us, they like us when the climate news and scientific reports are rather alarming-Shame!

Lucy, I haven’t forgotten that today is Women’s Day, but I have a feeling that people are using you. I have seen you called in events to plant trees; they take good pictures of you BUT vain. Its all a lie, smoke and mirrors, They are now using your pictures in reports.

I know it’s not too late, you can change the narrative. You can go tell women to stay true and on purpose because Africa awaits.

Tell them it’s possible to RE-GREEN the world and make a living out of it, tell them they won’t need a diploma in Forestry to do it. They just need to take their grit with them during the planting and throughout the growing process.

Please, inform them that I am aware that they have so many problems and TREEs might not be one of the pressing issues, BUT at least present my case. Remind them how I give them shade, and fruits and retain water for them. Tell them, I am going to disappear sooner if they don’t respond quickly.

Be forewarned though, there’s a lot of greenwashing. You need to have clarity, a plan, and know-how on how to restore my kind. Submit yourself to the universe, green souls will come and help you bring us back. Yes, you need help you cannot do it alone.

Okay, I have to go. Nothing I wrote is rocket science nor its out of your league. All dots connect to Lucy. Go rise the bar.

In closing, I will try to hang on- I will let you enjoy my oxygen but its not for a long time until you do something.

No more words, sending you nothing but short of an alarm in your day,

Green Regards,




Mbazi Marisa
Mbazi Marisa

Written by Mbazi Marisa

Compelled to Change Africa's Social Economic Landscape

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